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VAD offers educational presentations as a way to foster Disability Awareness in the community. The
presentation is a demonstration of the knowledge and skills offered by the presenters about individuals with disabilities.
The 30-60 minute event is accomplished, depending on the age and organizational needs, using method demonstration (props when necessary), speaking directly to the audience and using a power point presentation
to relay:
Presentations are a service provided to educate and generate awareness in the community. Learn about the different types of presentations available by clicking the links below.
There are many types of disabilities, such as those that affect a person’s:
Disability is thus not just a health problem. It is a complex phenomenon, reflecting the interaction between features of a person’s body and features of the society in which he or she lives. Overcoming the difficulties faced by people with disabilities requires interventions to remove environmental and social barriers. Disability covers many conditions, some visible and some not visible. A disability may have been present from birth, caused by an accident, or developed over time. There are physical, mental and learning disabilities, mental disorders, hearing or vision disabilities, epilepsy, drug and alcohol dependencies, environmental sensitivities, and other conditions.
Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2011, ”Disability and Human Rights”
According to the World Health Organization, disability has three dimensions
In a person’s body structure or function, or mental functioning; examples of impairments include loss of a limb, loss of vision or memory loss.
Such as difficulty seeing, hearing, walking, or problem solving.
In normal daily activities, such as working, engaging in social and recreational activities, and obtaining health care and preventive services.
Voice of Albertans with Disabilities (VAD) is fueled by sponsors an donors. It’s because of the amazing sponsor that support VAD and our efforts to continue to make a difference for Albertans with Disabilities. These businesses and organizations are imperative to ensuring that VAD can continue to provide the resources and supports that are so desperately needed in Alberta.
Voice of Albertans with Disabilities is here for you.
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