VAD + Your Organization
Voice of Albertans with Disabilities plays an active role on numerous committees, offering an experienced,
responsible and effective voice for the disability community.
Through our collaborations and partnerships, VAD shares information on accessibility issues and ideas with
individuals with disabilities, other organizations, decision makers, public servants and the general public.
Voice of Albertans with Disabilities collaborate on an ongoing basis with different departments within the
Government of Alberta to discuss important disability issues and to work towards common goals to address the
need of individuals with disabilities in Alberta. We continue to meet with elected officials and government
employees to discuss issues brought forth by our membership.
VAD offers our iVAD members direct contact information for our organizational and corporate members through our
website links, promotion of member information through our social media platforms when requested and direct mail
out of information to our member networks promoting events and community calls to action. VAD provides
newsletters with pertinent information to the community and promotes organizational article submissions for
educational purposes.
VAD has created a community of non-profit organizations and for-profit businesses that accommodate the diverse
needs of individuals with a disability in Alberta. VAD induces a sense of belonging among supporters, thereby
strengthening support and advocacy throughout the community; we have an engaged supporter base that our members
can turn to for volunteer or expertise requests. As part of this growing network, your voice is heard.
Voice of Albertans with Disabilities (VAD) is fueled by sponsors an donors. It’s because of the amazing sponsor that support VAD and our efforts to continue to make a difference for Albertans with Disabilities. These businesses and organizations are imperative to ensuring that VAD can continue to provide the resources and supports that are so desperately needed in Alberta.
Voice of Albertans with Disabilities is here for you.
Please click here to visit our Contact Page and select the form that best suits your needs.